Saturday, 2 June 2012

The Tooth Fairy is frightened of our dog

Do you ever have one of those days were you question your abilities as a mother? Well I had one the other day. Let me explain!

I have a gorgeous 7 year old daughter who obviously I love more than words can say! Well on Wednesday her second tooth fell out. She had been starting to question the existence of the Tooth Fairy after she had found her first tooth in her dad's wallet. Anyway I managed to get around that one and she wrote a lovely letter to the Tooth Fairy stating "please can I keep the tooth for memories but can I still have the money?" Kids eh? You gotta love 'em!!

Anyway she dutifully put the tooth in the box with her little letter and popped it under her pillow and fell asleep.

I went about my evening tasks and took myself off to bed.

Yes you know where this is going don't you??

In the morning she wandered into my bedroom with the box still complete with the previous nights contents. THE TOOTH FAIRY HADN'T BEEN!!

In my half asleep state I managed to explain that our dog Daisy had been in her bedroom during the night and she must have frightened the Tooth Fairy. I said I would make sure Daisy stayed out of her bedroom the next night and I'm sure she would come.

So the next morning my daughter found a lovely note from the Tooth Fairy explaining that our dog had frightened her but she had popped some extra money in the box so that she could buy herself something special.

So if you have a dog and one night the Tooth Fairy forgets to come to your house I'll give you this story for free!!!

Enough to frighten any Tooth Fairy

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